Back on the net

So it's been around three months sincec I last posted and I'vev missed my blog a lot, but I have a good excuse. As almost always school is to blame; i had a to do a very important ans difficult (and thick) research project for my school.
This research project ("treball de recerca" in catalan) is very important because even if I had an A+ in all my subjects, if I don't get a good mark I won't pass my senior year and I'll have to repeat this course.
Here in Spain, it is only done in Catalonia. It is compulsory for all catalan students to do this research project during senior year. At the end of junior year we have to choose a topic for our project and a teacher is assigned to each of us so he/she can guide us during all the procecss of searching information, writing the project and expose it.
In summer we start searching for information, during Christmas we have to start writing the project, and then we have to finish it in January and in February we have to expose it with a power point in a conference room in front of a jury of three teachers and anybody who wants to come. The exposition should last between 15 and 20 minutes (althought it took me 40 minutes) in which we have to introduce ourselves, explain why we choose this topic, who we made the project and explain the contents of it.

My project was about how mass media manipulates the information and I did in english, which means I had to expose it english (I think I'm the first in the story of my high school in doing it in english) and although I was really nervous, when I started talking it all went perfectly.

Now, after all the work I'm happy 'cause I've learnt a lot of vocabulary and I'vev improved my english so I don't regret spending all these ours and days doing it.

But well, the good news are that I'm back^^
Right now I was rembering how it felt when I started writing this blog, with all the insecurities, doubting someone would ever read it and I've realized that I feel that same way now all excited just thinking about writing here!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Silvia! I'm glad to hear your project went very well. I can't wait to see more of you now that you've returned. ;D

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